Vegreville is a thriving town of 6,000, just 105 km east of Edmonton, is the heart of eastern Alberta’s Ukrainian culture. Vegreville is home to the world’s largest Easter egg (or “pysanka”), standing over 9 metres high. The egg was constructed in 1975 of 3500 pieces of aluminum, and commemorates the centennial of the RCMP in Alberta. Other town attractions include Old Vegreville, the original Roman Catholic cemetery, and the Legion Cenotaph. The town has wide-ranging recreational facilities including an aquatic and fitness centre, the Multiplex Centre with curling, a recreation centre with a full-sized ice arena, and a social centre.
Annual events include the Western Canada Chariot & Chuckwagon Championships (June), Iron Runner’s Car and Truck Show (Father’s Day), Fire Department Demolition Derby (Father’s Day), AG Society Combine Crunch (Father’s Day), Pysanka Festival (early July), Vegreville Agricultural Fair (late July-Early August)
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Vegreville Attractions
“Pysanka” Easter Egg
Elks Kinsmen Park in the east end of town
This 7 metre tall Easter egg represents the highly-refined craft that has become an Ukrainian tradition.
Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village
195041 Highway 16 East, Lamont County, AB
(midway between Edmonton and Vegreville)
(780) 662-3640
30 historic buildings and costumed actors tell the history of the early Ukrainian settlement of the area. This outdoor museum is open daily from mid-May to Labour Day 10 am to 6 pm, and daily until Oct. 13 from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission fee.
Vegreville and District Museum
14413 AB-16A, Vegreville, AB T9C 1R3
(½ mile east of town at the highway 16A bridge)
(780) 632-7650
This museum houses early artifacts and photos and includes the International Police Museum, with badges and memorabilia from police forces around the world. Open Sunday to Friday from mid-May to Labour Day 1 to 5 pm. Over the winter, the museum is open Wednesday only from 1 to 5 pm.