The Shadhäla Äshèyi yè Kwädän (Champagne and Aishihik First Nations or CAFN) is a self-governing First Nation located in the Yukon Territory and northwest British Columbia. The Champagne and Aishihik people and government are named after two historic settlements: Shadhäla (Champagne), located on the Dezadeash River; and Äshèyi (Aishihik), at the headwaters of the Alsek River drainage.
The Shadhäla Äshèyi yè Kwädän (Champagne and Aishihik First Nations or CAFN) is a self-governing First Nation located in the Yukon Territory and northwest British Columbia, Canada.
The Shadhäla Äshèyi yè Kwädän (CAFN) homeland is a land of kwata (forests), dhal (mountains), taga (rivers), man (lakes) and tan shį (glaciers), with spectacular scenery and diverse resources and cultural riches. The land has offered mbat (food), ur (clothing) and kų (house, shelter) to CAFN ancestors for many generations.
The Champagne and Aishihik people and government are named after two historic settlements: Shadhäla (Champagne), located on the Dezadeash River; and Äshèyi (Aishihik), at the headwaters of the Alsek River drainage. Champagne and Aishihik Dän (people) also lived throughout the region in other villages including Kloo Lake, Klukshu, Canyon, Shäwshe and Hutchi.
CAFN has more than 1,200 Dän (people) and is one of the largest of the 14 Yukon First Nations. The CAFN Traditional Territory spans 41,000 square kilometers in total (29,000 in the Yukon and 12,000 in British Columbia).