The Frog Lake First Nation is a First Nations band government in northeastern Alberta. A signatory to Treaty 6, it controls two Indian reserves, 0 and located 32 km SE of Bonnyville which is approximately 300 km from Edmonton, Alberta.
The Frog Lake First Nation is a First Nations band government in northern Alberta. A signatory to Treaty 6, it controls two Indian reserves, Puskiakiwenin 122 and Unipouheos 121, as well as sharing ownership of another, Blue Quills.
Frog Lake First Nation has a population of 3300 and located 32 km SE of Bonnyville which is approximately 300 km from Edmonton, Alberta. Frog Lake First Nation has its own local government and a diversity of programs that provide service to the community. The land base of the reserve for Unipouheos #121 is 33 square miles/21,120 acres and Puskiakiwenin #122 is 40 square miles/25,600 acres. Total: 73 square miles/46,720 acres within the Treaty Six Territory.