St. Theresa Point is located 610 kilometers Northeast of Winnipeg, and accessible by plane and boat in the summer and by winter road in the winter.
St. Theresa Point is located 610 kilometers Northeast of Winnipeg. The community is accessible by plane and boat in the summer and by winter road in the winter.
The St.Theresa Point First Nation office is located in the center of the community. Council consists of one Chief and eight (8) Councillors, elected according to band custom. Political affiliations are with the Island Lake Tribal Council (ILTC), Manitoba Keewatinohk Okimahkanak (MKO), Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) and Indian and Northern Affairs (INAC). The St.Theresa Point First Nation administers the following programs: social assistance, housing, capital projects, operations and maintenance, water and sewage services, sanitation services, television and radio broadcasting, the community outreach program, justice, policing, recreation, airport project, aboriginal healing foundation, economic development and youth services.