Wahpeton Dakota Nation is a Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada.
The Wahpeton Dakota Nation is a First Nation community with a traditional territory that includes central Saskatchewan. Most Wahpeton members today reside on the Nation’s main reserve, about ten kilometres north of the city of Prince Albert. The region is on the cusp of the boreal forest, where plains and farmland begin to give way to stands of trembling aspen and rolling hills.
As of 2012, the Wahpeton Dakota Nation population includes about 500 men, women, and children,1
belonging mostly to nine major extended families. As shown on the adjacent map, the Wahpeton Dakota Nation has two reserves. The main community reserve is Indian Reserve (IR) #94A. The
band also holds another, smaller reserve, IR #94B. Together, these reserves are about 15 square kilometres in size. A Chief governs the Wahpeton Dakota Nation, along with four Councillors elected to three-year terms under the Band Custom electoral system. Dr. Leo Omani is currently Chief.
The majority of Wahpeton Dakota people (about 300) live on the main reserve, while the remainder live elsewhere. Although current census data is not available, Wahpeton Dakota Nation follows the trend of other Canadian Aboriginal communities in experiencing a high birth rate and hosting a large segment of young people. Many Wahpeton Dakota people speak the Dakota language, although some Cree is also spoken in the community