Personalized service, well trained horses, excellent meals, unique programs, Old West Fort with cabins, Professional Programs and Events, Specializing in Girls Horse riding camps, PTSD Programs, Outdoor adventures, Canoeing & more
Personalized service, well trained horses, excellent meals, unique programs, Old West Fort with cabins, Professional Programs and Events, Specializing in Girls Horse riding camps, PTSD Programs, Outdoor adventures, Canoeing & more
Products: Girls horseback riding camps, outdoor adventure programs, canoeing, PTSD programs for veterans and others in need, Old West Fort with cabins, family style meals, overseas visitors, Mother Daughter weekends, Corporate events, Equine assisted Learning
Environment: Laundry is line dried to reduce electricity. The Fort is rustic – no power or running water = energy conservation, Use local foods & shop locally whenever possible
Business Hours: Varies
Toll-Free: Varies