This village was named by the post office in 1854 after Robert Doak who arrived from Scotland in 1812. Doaktown is on the Southwest Miramichi River, about half way between Fredericton and Miramichi on the Gulf of St Lawrence. The river is a great Atlantic salmon fishing stream.
Doaktown Attractions
Mill Brook No 1 Covered Bridge
Nelson Hollow Rd, off Rte 8
Built in 1870 and rebuilt in 1899. It is closed to traffic. This is the oldest covered bridge in New Brunswick and is one of two that used a hip or cottage roof. The Turtle Creek No. 4 being the other. This 78′ long bridge is located just west of the village of Doaktown on Route #8 on the Nelson Hollow Road
Atlantic Salmon Museum
263 Main St (Mimamichi Scenic Drive)
506 365-7787
The museum develops, promotes and educates on all facets of the life of Atlantic salmon and their importance to the Maritime fishery. Exhibits include paintings, prints, sculptures exotic salmon flies and an audiovisual presentation.
Doak Provincial Historic Site
386 Main St, Doaktown, NB E9C 1E4
506-365-2026 or 506 453-2324
Commemorates the area’s early entrepreneur, Quire Doak and his pioneer family. Exhibits include spinning and weaving demonstrations.
Old Mill Pond Golf & Country Club
6 Central St, Doaktown, NB E9C 1E6
(Central Street off Rte 8)
506-365-7661 or 1-877-433-4662
9 hole course