The St. John River drops 75 feet (23 metres) at one of the largest cataracts east of Niagara Falls. The legendary Maliseet Princess Malabeam led Mohawk warriors to their deaths at the falls, giving it its Maliseet name, Checanenekeag or “Destroyer Place”.
The town was originally a French settlement, which became a British military post in 1790. The French named the waterfall Grand Sault Saint jean-Baptiste (“Grand Sault” is French for “Grand Falls”). The town as laid out complete with a post office in 1837, when its original name was Colebrooke, named for Si William MacBean George Colbrooke who was Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick from 1841-1847.
The town’s falls have been harnessed to provide power to the whole province. Grand Falls is an officially bilingual town with a large food processing facility (McCain Foods Ltd.), in the heart of the province’s potato country.
Annual Events
Grand Falls Regional Potato Festival (end June)
Grand Falls Attractions
Grand Falls Gorge
Downtown Centre
506 475-7717
Mallabeam: 506 475-7788 La Rochelle: 506 475-7766
This is the largest waterfall in New Brunswick, where water has carved out a gorge, encircling half of downtown. View them from the Mallabeam Reception Centre on the bridge from E. Broadway. Pathway leads from bridge to the falls along Lovers Lane Trail., and then across to the La Rochelle Reception Centre. There, a stairway leads to the Wells-in-Rocks, a series of 9 metres deep potholes worn into the gorge below. Take boat ride, weather and water conditions permitting. Reception Centres are open Jun to Labout Day from 9 am to 9 pm daily. Other months form 9 am to 6 pm. Admission.
Grand Falls Museum
66 Chemin Madawaska, Grand Falls, NB E3Y 1C6
506-473-5265 or 506 473-5940 (off season)
Pioneer era and early Victorian artifacts of the Grand Falls era, including Van Morell who tightrope-walked across the falls. Exhibits include artifacts, tools, photos and memorabilia.
Paradis de la P’tite Montagne
{Off Route 2, on Bougoin Road}
Freshwater beach, concessions, campground, playground
Grand Falls Golf Club
Exit 786, west on Main St
506 475-6008
18 hole golf course.