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NL Highway Itinerary: Grand Falls-Windsor to Clarenville via #1

What to See & Do between Grand Falls-Windsor and Clarenville?

This stretch of the Highway crosses the rugged north side of the island. You follow and cross the rugged Exploits River, and pass by Gander with its famous airport (made more famous from the ‘Come From Away’ musical on Broadway), pass though Terra Nova National Park with its stunning scenery and ecosystem. And take a side-tip around the Bonavista Peninsula.

Newfoundland Itinerary - Grand Falls-Windsor - Clarenville

Trestle Bridge at Bishops Falls, just east of Grand Falls-Windsor

Here is the itinerary for the 236 km along Route #1 between Grand Falls-Windsor and Clarenville, Newfoundland:

The Exploits River

The Exploits River is a major waterway for the province’s salmon fishing and forestry industries. The fishing was key to the area in the 1680s and 1800s and this century. The advent of hydro-electric power for timber processing, at Grand Falls-Windsor, the forestry industry has dominated since 1909. The devastation of salmon stocks has led to remediation of the river, adding fish ladders, stocking the rivers, and pollution reduction, all of which has led to a growth in the river’s salmon stocks.

This part of Newfoundland has a rich geological history. Rock cuts in the Exploits River valley expose reddish Silurian Sandstone, a 400 million year old sedimentary rock. When the Trans-Canada crosses Ratting Brook (30 km E of Grand Falls-Windsor), the rocks are volcanic basalt and black granite.

As of August 2008, there are no gas stations along the highway between the towns of Gander and Bishop’s Falls. Check your fuel levels before driving this 80 km section. At the turnoff to the town of Norris Arm, near Eel Brook, you may see roadside stands selling local produce, including bueberries, bakeapples, raspberries and partridgeberries (in season) and locally caught smelt, salmon or brook trout.

Alongside Gander Lake

Gande Aviation Memorial, at Gander, NewfoundlandOn the north shore of Gander Lake is the town of Gander, one of the major airports in history, being the major trans-Atlantic refueling point for bombers being transported to England in World War II, and for post-war passenger airplanes, since it was the mid point between Europe and the cities of the American East Coast (it was once called the “biggest gas station in the world”).

Its role was reduced in the long-range passenger jet era, but was still a key refueling station for Soviet-bloc flights to & from Cuba. Gander again proved its strategic importance on September 11, 2001 when all America-bound flights were grounded because of the terrorist attacks. Gander handled 38 flights and 6,600 passengers and crew (only Vancouver, on Canada’s West Coast handled more).
Gander Lake

Gander Lake itself is 1000 feet deep, and rather cold and unproductive for fish. It is surrounded by rugged granite cliffs and some well eroded sandstone structures. Nearby Square Pond is renowned for its landlocked arctic char (best in late Spring), as well as brook trout, and Atlantic salmon.

Terra Nova National Park

Just after iou pass through Gambo, and Glovertown, you enterTerra Nova National Park combines boreal forest growing on 600 million year old Pre-Cambrian shield, on the edge of the continent with cliffs up to 300 metres (900 feet)

A few miles into the park are yellow birch, much prized by the Beothuk First Nations for making wigwams, canoes, water buckets, fire carriers, and more. At the southern boundary of the park is the Northwest River. It, along with the Salmon River and the Southwest River, all flow into Clode Sound, and are prized as “late rovers” which have peak Atlantic salmon fishing in early July (a month after the Humber River on the island’s west coast).

Bonavista Penninsula

The Bonavista Penninsula is the easternmost part of Canada, made famous in the Canadian version of “this Land is My Land”.  It is surrounded by Atlantic Ocean, and at its very tip is the town of Bonavista.

At the southern end of the penninsula is the city of Clarenville, which is a major market centre for this part of Newfoundland.

Detour to the Burin Penninsula and St Pierre and Miquelon (France)

South of Clarenville at Goobies you head down highway 210 to Marystown and to Fortune, where you can catch a ferry to St Pierre and Miquelon, which is the only remaining part of France in North America (they also have some islands in the Carribean) after Napoleon sold off the “Louisiana Purchase” to the United States to pay for his European wars. But you’ll add another great passport stamp to your collection, and some great bragging rights!

Elevation Chart - Grand Falls-Windsor to Clarenville

Elevation Chart for itinerary fromGrand Falls-Windsor-Clarenville
Elevation Chart for itinerary fromGrand Falls-Windsor-Clarenville

Trans-Canada Highway History

History: Grand Falls to Clarenville

Search Listings along this Itinerary

Itinerary Map

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Itinerary Details

Highway Point & Features
-8.7Roadside turnout and viewpoint52.7


-6.2Gravel roadside turnout, NE side (Clarenville) 58.2


-5.4Services at highway, NE side (Clarenville) 64.3


0Memorial Dr N into Clarenville, to Hwy #230, access to Clarenville, tourist information & services, White Hills Ski Resort, airport. E to Milton, Trinity, Bonavista (Clarenville) 65.8


0.5Accommodation at highway, NE side (Clarenville) 64.9


1.4Gravel pit access to Sw (Clarenville) 18


1.9Gravel pit access to NE (Clarenville) 47.2


3Highway #230a E to Clarenville, tourist information & services, White Hills Ski Resort, airport. East to communities of Milton, Trinity, Bonavista (Clarenville) 84.7


3.6Rest Area, tourist Information104.9


4.6Road to W of hwy98.8


5.9Road to W of hwy74.4


7.5railtrail overpass62.8


7.7crossing Shoal Harbour River52.1


8.2Gravel highway turnout, NE side of hwy53.3


10.6Road W, alongside Shoal Harbour River59.4


13.8Exit #26 Highway #230 (The Discovery Trail) NE to Clarenville Airport (13 km), NE to Town of Bonavista (114 km)152.7


14.8Rd NE to shoreline homes143.6


15.8Rd NE to shoreline homes156.4


18.2Rd SW, to east shore of Thorburn Lake136.2


24.4Campground & Go-cart track, SW of hwy110.3


25.1Rest & Picnic Area S of highway overlooking Thorburn Lake, Floatplane dock, NE to hiking trail N to Monday Pond109.1


26.7Railtrail underpass104.2


27.1Road S to community of Thorburn Lake, floatplane marina, hiking trail NW to Island Pond88.7


27.7Road turnoff on NE side68.9


31.6Crossing Southwest river11


35.2Roadside turnout, picnic area to E side44.5


35.6Highway #233 (The Discovery Trail Scenic Drive) E to Port Blandford, Musgravetown (28 km), Lethbridge (35 km), Bonavista (127km) (Port Blandford) 42.1


36.1Roadside turnout, picnic area to W side44.5


36.6Crossing Middle Brook (Port Blandford) 26.2


36.9Road E to Port Blandford (Port Blandford) 33.2


38.8Division 7, Subdivision E Rd to E, NW to Golf Course clubhouse, NE into Port Blandford (Port Blandford) 6.1


41.4Crossing Salmon Brook, rapids to E of hwy33.5


42.1Terra Nova Lodge, Twin Rivers Visitor Center13.4


42.6Crossing the Northwest River, southern Boundary of Terra Nova National Park13.4


42.7Road to hiking trails to NW14.9


42.9Scenic viewpoint & picnic area, toilets E of highway0


48.2Rd E to community of Charlottetown (1.5 km), Outside Pond RV Park (Charlottetown) 88.7


50.5Hiking trail tio Friday Pond, to W of hwy103


56.2Road, W to reservoir & Sandy Bay Campground , E to viewpoint on Ochre Hill hilltop124.1


57.4Highway #301 W to community of Terra Nova (18 km) (Terra Nova ) 90.2


62Newman Sound Campground in Terra Nova National Park of Canada (Terra Nova ) 99.4


62.2Marine Interpretive Centre, access from highway (Terra Nova ) 24.7


62.9Rd E to marina, with footbridge across Saltons Brock27.1


65.8Rd to NE, to top of peak, Blue Hill Observation Point, with antenna tower80.2


68.8picnic area on E side of highway, south of Southwest Brook21.6


69.3Picnic area and turnaround to E of hwy, overlooking Southwest Brook flowing into Southwest Arm21.9


72.6North boundary of Terra Nova National park89


73.6Road access to Square Pond, with access to hiking trail86.6


74.6Junction of Highway #310 N (The Road to the Beaches Scenic Drive), northern boundary of Terra Nova National Park. East to community of Eastport 918 km)93.3


77.8Parking log on E bank of Terra Nova River, N side of hwy11.9


77.9Crossing Terra Nova River,8.2


78.1Rd N to Glovertown5.2


79.2road to SW, access to Maccles Brook to S of hwy, lots of rapids & waterfalls25.9


81.8Exit #25 Highway #310 north (Road to the Beaches Scenic Drive) E to Glovertown (3 km), Traytown (8 km) (Glovertown) 78.9


82Highway turnout & road to N, up hill to antenna tower109.4


83.8Rd to S to Alexander Bay Station141.1


87.8Road to S, hiking trail around ponds to N, access to gravel pit SW of highway62.5


92.8Road North up hill, Rd S to homes108.8


96.2Railtrail underpass13.4


99.2crossing Gambo Brook, Gambo Pond to S of hwy, marshlands to N3.4


100.8Exit #24 Highway #320 (Road to Shore Scenic Drive) E to Gambo (2 km), Hare Bay, Musgrove Harbour, Joey Smallwood Interpretive Centre, S to power station south of hwy10.7


102.9Roadside Highway Turnout with picnic tables, toilets Rest area. East side of highway61.6


103.6Top of hill106.7


110.6Square Pond Resort Campground Access from highway99.7


111Cross Middle Brook, with rapids on both sides of bridge, Square Pond seen to south of hwy46.6


112.6Road to N, access to community of Butts89


115.6hiking trail to top of hill to S of hwy127.7


116.6Rd to W of hwy112.5


117.1Rd to E of hwy32.6


118.1Gander Lake to SW of hwy40.8


124.6Community of Benton East side of highway (Benton) 32.9


125Crossing Souris Brook25.3


126.8Rd to Gander Lake, S side of highway (Gander) 111.3


135.5End of Gander runway (Gander) 114.9


135.8Thomas Howe Interpretive Forest, access from highway (Gander) 110


139.1Cooper Blvd, Visitor Info Centre, RCMP, access to Gander International Airport (4 km) (Gander104.5


139.8Caldwell St to N, services & accommodation (Gander) 118.3


141.2gold course to S of Rd (Gander) 131.1


142.2Exit N to Memorial Dr, all services & accommodation, MacGree Rd (Gander132


144.2Ogilvie St, N of highway111.3


144.2Highway #330 (Road to Shore Scenic Drive), Jonathon’s Pond PP (15 km), Gander Bay (43) (Gander105.5


146.6Rd N to transmission towers130.5


149Rd N74.1


151Bridge over Twin Lakes, Joe Bats to N (Joe Bats) 84.7


153Rd to S, picnic area alongside Gander Lake79.9


155.6Rd to N63.4


157.7Glenwood Provincial Park to S of highway88.7


160.5Railway underpass93


160.6Donwater Rd (S)92.4


162.1River Rd (S), Richards Rd (N) (Glenwood) 35.4


162.4Crossing Gander River (Glenwood) 24.4


162.6Rd S to community of Glenwood (Glenwood) 26.2


163.3Rd S to community of Glenwood (Glenwood) 36.6


164.3Interchange: Salmon Pond Resource Rd (Glenwood) 43.9


164.6Passing Salmon Pond to N of hwy61


165.6Salmon River crossing43.9


167.6Twin Farms Salvation Army Camp, E of highway53


176.6Lake O’Brien, to E of hwy98.1


180.6Crossing Neyles Brook98.8


181.9Passing Indian Arm Pond to N, bridge82.3


185.6Notre Dame Provincial Park Notre Dame Provincial Park (1 km) camping with full facilities76.2


186.6Exit #23 Junction of Highway #340 North to Lewisporte (15 km) and Labrador Ferry to Cartwright & Goose Bay85.3


192.6Junction of Route #3-1-09 Services at highway.92


193.6Crossing Ell Brook73.8


194.6Route 3-1-09 to NW, access to homes on west bank of Norris Arm92.4


204.6Junction of Highway #351 SW to communities of Jumpers Brook, Norris Arm, Sandy Point Notre Dame Provincial Park (1 km), camping82.3


205.2Road (W) to Norris Arm, E to lake73.5


205.4road: division No 6, Subdivision D SE to Rattling Lake (Rattling Brook) 89.3


205.6crossing Rattling Brook80.2


212.8Access to gravel pit to W52.4


213.4Road: division No 6, Subdivision D13.1


213.6crossing Jumper’s Brook16.2


216.2Junction of Highway #360 (180 km long The Coast of Bays Drive), services at highway (no fuel). S to Head of Bay d’Espoir, St. Albans.37.8


216.9Junction of Highway #351 North to communities of Jumpers Brook, Norris Arm, Sandy Point Notre Dame Provincial Park (1 km)camping (Bishop’s Falls) 7.6


217.4Bridge over Exploits River, view of hydro dam to SW of bridge (Bishop’s Falls) 7


217.6Exit #22, Highway #350, community of Bishop’s Falls. All services, N to Botwood.(14 km) (Bishop’s Falls) 16.5


219.6Exito SE to community of Bishop’s Falls, all services (Bishop’s Falls) 39


222.6Services at highway Fuel, gas, diesel (Bishop’s Falls) 44.8


225.6Exit #21 Access to Bishop’s Falls (Bishop’s Falls) 19.5


228.6Truck Inspection Station South side of highway (Grand Falls-Windsor) 72.8


233.3Exit #20 Access to Grand Falls-Windsor (Grand Falls-Windsor) 66.8


235.6Exit #19 , Harris Ave, access to Grand Falls-Windsor (Grand Falls-Windsor) 100


Highway Point & Features

Highway Point & Features
0Exit #19 , Harris Ave, access to Grand Falls-Windsor (Grand Falls-Windsor) 100


2.3Exit #20 Access to Grand Falls-Windsor (Grand Falls-Windsor) 66.8


7Truck Inspection Station South side of highway (Grand Falls-Windsor) 72.8


10Exit #21 Access to Bishop’s Falls (Bishop’s Falls) 19.5


13Services at highway: fuel, gas, diesel (Bishop’s Falls) 44.8


16Exito SE to community of Bishop’s Falls, all services (Bishop’s Falls) 39


18Exit #22, Highway #350, community of Bishop’s Falls. All services, N to Botwood.(14 km) (Bishop’s Falls) 16.5


18.2Bridge over Exploits River, view of hydro dam to SW of bridge (Bishop’s Falls) 7


18.7Junction of Highway #351 North to communities of Jumpers Brook, Norris Arm, Sandy Point Notre Dame Provincial Park (1 km) camping (Bishop’s Falls) 7.6


19.4Junction of Highway #360 (180 km long The Coast of Bays Drive), services at highway (no fuel). S to Head of Bay d’Espoir, St. Albans.37.8


22crossing Jumper’s Brook16.2


22.2Road: division No 6, Subdivision D13.1


22.8Access to gravel pit to W52.4


30crossing Rattling Brook80.2


30.2road: division No 6, Subdivision D SE to Rattling Lake (Rattling Brook) 89.3


30.4Road (W) to Norris Arm, E to lake73.5


31Junction of Highway #351 SW to communities of Jumpers Brook, Norris Arm, Sandy Point Notre Dame Provincial Park (1 km), camping82.3


41Route 3-1-09 to NW, access to homes on west bank of Norris Arm92.4


42Crossing Ell Brook73.8


43Junction of Route #3-1-09 Services at highway.92


49Exit #23 Junction of Highway #340 North to Lewisporte (15 km) and Labrador Ferry to Cartwright & Goose Bay85.3


50Notre Dame Provincial Park Notre Dame Provincial Park (1 km) camping with full facilities76.2


53.7Passing Indian Arm Pond to N, bridge82.3


55Crossing Neyles Brook98.8


59Lake O’Brien, to E of hwy98.1


68Twin Farms Salvation Army Camp, E of highway53


70Salmon River crossing43.9


71Passing Salmon Pond to N of hwy61


71.3Interchange: Salmon Pond Resource Rd (Glenwood) 43.9


72.3Rd S to community of Glenwood (Glenwood) 36.6


73Rd S to community of Glenwood (Glenwood) 26.2


73.2Crossing Gander River (Glenwood) 24.4


73.5River Rd (S), Richards Rd (N) (Glenwood) 35.4


75Donwater Rd (S)92.4


75.1Railway underpass93


77.9Glenwood Provincial Park to S of highway88.7


80Rd to N63.4


82.6Rd to S, picnic area alongside Gander Lake79.9


84.6Bridge over Twin Lakes, Joe Bats to N (Joe Bats) 84.7


86.6Rd N74.1


89Rd N to transmission towers130.5


91.4Ogilvie St, N of highway111.3


91.4Highway #330 (Road to Shore Scenic Drive), Jonathon’s Pond PP (15 km), Gander Bay (43) (Gander) 105.5


93.4Exit N to Memorial Dr, all services &accommodation, MacGree Rd (Gander132


94.4gold course to S of Rd (Gander) 131.1


95.8Caldwell St to N, services & accommodation (Gander) 118.3


96.5Cooper Blvd, Visitor Info Centre, RCMP, access to Gander International Airport (4 km) (Gander104.5


99.8Thomas Howe Interpretive Forest, access from highway (Gander) 110


100.1End of Gander runway (Gander114.9


108.8Rd to Gander Lake, S side of highway (Gander) 111.3


110.6Crossing Souris Brook25.3


111Community of Benton East side of highway (Benton) 32.9


117.5Gander Lake to SW of hwy40.8


118.5Rd to E of hwy32.6


119Rd to W of hwy112.5


120hiking trail to top of hill to S of hwy127.7


123Road to N, access to community of Butts89


124.6Cross Middle Brook, with rapids on both sides of bridge, Square Pond seen to south of hwy46.6


125Square Pond Resort Campground Access from highway99.7


132Top of hill106.7


132.7Roadside Highway Turnout with picnic tables, toilets Rest area. East side of highway61.6


134.8Exit #24 Highway #320 (Road to Shore Scenic Drive) E to Gambo (2 km), Hare Bay, Musgrove Harbour, Joey Smallwood Interpretive Centre, S to power station south of hwy10.7


136.4crossing Gambo Brook, Gambo Pond to S of hwy, marshlands to N3.4


139.4Railtrail underpass13.4


142.8Road North up hill, Rd S to homes108.8


147.8Road to S, hiking trail around ponds to N, access to gravel pit SW of highway62.5


151.8Rd to S to Alexander Bay Station141.1


153.6Highway turnout & road to N, up hill to antenna tower109.4


153.8Exit #25 Highway #310 north (Road to the Beaches Scenic Drive) E to Glovertown (3 km), Traytown (8 km) (Glovertown) 78.9


156.4road to SW, access to Maccles Brook to S of hwy, lots of rapids & waterfalls25.9


157.5Rd N to Glovertown5.2


157.7Crossing Terra Nova River,8.2


157.8Parking log on E bank of Terra Nova River, N side of hwy11.9


161Junction of Highway #310 N (The Road to the Beaches Scenic Drive), northern boundary of Terra Nova National Park. East to community of Eastport 918 km)93.3


162Road access to Square Pond, with access to hiking trail86.6


163North boundary of Terra Nova National Park89


166.3Picnic area and turnaround to E of hwy, overlooking Southwest Brook flowing into Southwest Arm21.9


166.8picnic area on E side of highway, south of Southwest Brook21.6


169.8Rd to NE, to top of peak, Blue Hill Observation Point, with antenna tower80.2


172.7Rd E to marina, with footbridge across Saltons Brock27.1


173.4Marine Interpretive Centre, access from highway (Terra Nova ) 24.7


173.6Newman Sound Campground in Terra Nova National Park of Canada (Terra Nova ) 99.4


178.2Highway #301 W to community of Terra Nova (18 km) (Terra Nova ) 90.2


179.4Road, W to reservoir & Sandy Bay Campground , E to viewpoint on Ochre Hill hilltop124.1


185.1Hiking trail tio Friday Pond, to W of hwy103


187.4Rd E to community of Charlottetown (1.5 km), Outside Pond RV Park (Charlottetown) 88.7


192.7Scenic viewpoint & picnic area, toilets E of highway0


192.9Road to hiking trails to NW14.9


193Crossing the Northwest River, southern Boundary of Terra Nova National Park13.4


193.5Terra Nova Lodge, Twin Rivers Visitor Center13.4


194.2Crossing Salmon Brook, rapids to E of hwy33.5


196.8Division 7, Subdivision E Rd to E, NW to Golf Course clubhouse, NE into Port Blandford (Port Blandford) 6.1


198.7Road E to Port Blandford (Port Blandford) 33.2


199Crossing Middle Brook (Port Blandford) 26.2


199.5Roadside turnout, picnic area to W side44.5


200Highway #233 (The Discovery Trail Scenic Drive) E to Port Blandford, Musgravetown (28 km), Lethbridge (35 km), Bonavista (127km) (Port Blandford) 42.1


200.4Roadside turnout, picnic area to E side44.5


204Crossing Southwest river11


207.9Road turnoff on NE side68.9


208.5Road S to community of Thorburn Lake, floatplane marina, hiking trail NW to Island Pond88.7


208.9Railtrail underpass104.2


210.5Rest & Picnic Area S of highway overlooking Thorburn Lake, Floatplane dock, NE to hiking trail N to Monday Pond109.1


211.2Campground & Go-cart track, SW of hwy110.3


217.4Rd SW, to east shore of Thorburn Lake136.2


219.8Rd NE to shoreline homes156.4


220.8Rd NE to shoreline homes143.6


221.8Exit #26 Highway #230 (The Discovery Trail) NE to Clarenville Airport (13 km), NE to Town of Bonavista (114 km)152.7


225Road W, alongside Shoal Harbour River59.4


227.4Gravel highway turnout, NE side of hwy53.3


227.9crossing Shoal Harbour River52.1


228.1railtrail overpass62.8


229.7Road to W of hwy74.4


231Road to W of hwy98.8


232Rest Area, tourist Information104.9


232.6Highway #230a E to Clarenville, tourist information & services, White Hills Ski Resort, airport. East to communities of Milton, Trinity, Bonavista (Clarenville) 84.7


233.7Gravel pit access to NE (Clarenville) 47.2


234.2Gravel pit access to Sw (Clarenville) 18


235.1Accommodation at highway, NE side (Clarenville) 64.9


235.6Memorial Dr N into Clarenville, to Hwy #230, access to Clarenville, tourist information & services, White Hills Ski Resort, airport. E to Milton, Trinity, Bonavista (Clarenville) 65.8


241Services at highway, NE side (Clarenville) 64.3


241.8Gravel roadside turnout, NE side (Clarenville) 58.2


244.3Roadside turnout and viewpoint52.7


Highway Point & Features