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NS Highway Itinerary: Moncton, NB to Truro, NS

What to See & Do between Moncton and Truro?

This route takes you from the Petitcodiac River tidal bore past the Tantramar tidal marches with massive flocks of birds. You pass through Springhill coal country, and can see fossils of the earliest life on the planet at Joggins. Then you cross over the Cobequid Pass and its forested hills, back to the Bay of Fundy.

Nova Scotia Itinerary – Moncton NB – Truro NS

Fundy National Park showcases the world's highest tides

Here is the itinerary for the 155 km along Highway #2 (NB) and Highway #104 (NS) between Moncton, New Brunswick and Truro, Nova Scotia:

Trantramar Lowlands

The area east of Moncton (on the north side of the Petitcodiac) & Dieppe (on the south side of the Petitcodiac) are part of the Tantramar eco-zone. The name Tantramar comes from French for loud noise Trantimarre, referring to the noise from large flocks of birds in the area, and migrating through it. The area, after early deforestation, has been stunted by Fundy fogs and winds. You will also pass an area of drumlins (teardrop-shaped sand & Gravel deposits left behind by glaciers as they receded) beside the Peticodiac River.

Tidal salt marshes in the area
East of Sackville you enter the Tantramar Marshes, where dykes built by early Acadian settlers in 1686 hold back the sea and build lush farmlands on the recovered land. To fertilize the land, the settlers occasionally let the sea flood the land.

The settlement here grew to over a thousand people, and was defended by Fort Beausejour (just inside present-day Nova Scotia). The fort was taken by the English in 1755 and the Acadians were resettled around Memramcook and Dorchester. You will also notice a set of high antennas, on Coles Island between Sackville NB and Amherst NS, which are used by CBC Radio International for their overseas shortwave broadcasts. By anchoring them in salty marshy ground, it was believed the electrical ground would improve signal transmission.

Springhill-Springhill Miners Museum
Cobequid  Highlands

Once in Nova Scotia, the area south of the Trans-Canada around Springhill has a rich history of coal mining. The coal is a result of tropical forests from 350 million years ago, which left behind decaying vegetable matter that under incredible pressure from the rocks deposited above them was compressed into coal. Nearby Oxford has built up accumulations of salt and sediment from long-ago oceans, that now is mined for rock salt and gypsum.

Recently the Trans-Canada route was realigned through the Cobequid Pass, which used a public-private partnership to build a short toll stretch of the highway to speed traffic. This route takes travelers close to Wentworth Provincial Park and Wentworth Ski Hill. The Cobequid Mountains are three times older than the Rocky Mountains, and 200 million years ago were likely as high, but erosion has worn them down to their current 400 metre (1200 ft) elevation.

NEWS: As of December 2021, Tolls have been lifted for Nova Scotians driving Highway 104’s Cobequid Pass, though tolls remain for non-Nova Scotia registered vehicles and for commercial vehicles

Cyclists Note:

Cyclists should take the older highway 4, which follows a more level and more lightly traveled route.

Truro-Nova Scotia Farmland-sliver
Truro-Nova Scotia Farmland-sliver

Elevation Chart: Moncton, New Brunswick to Truro, Nova Scotia

Elevation Chart for itinerary from Dieppe to Truro
Elevation Chart for itinerary from Dieppe to Truro

Trans-Canada Highway History

Search Listings along this Itinerary

Visit Halifax Nova Scotia


Amherst-Trantramar Marshes-sliver


Trans-Canada Highway Itinerary Map

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Itinerary Details

Highway Point & Features
0Exit 15 to Hwy 102, S to Truro, Halifax, E to New Glasgow (Truro) 34.1


3.5underpass Crowes Mills Rd (no access) (Truro) 26.2


6.8underpass Belmont Rd (no access) (Truro) 12.8


7.8Crossing Chigancis River (Truro) 8.8


8.8Exit 13 S to McElmons Pond Prov Park19.2


13.8Exit 12 to Masstown Road and Hwy 2, N to Debert (6 km) & Airport, S to Elm River camping and to McElmons Pond PP21.6


14.8Crossing Debert River16.2


16.8Crossing Folly River27.1


17.8Exit 11 to Hwy 4, N to community of Folly Lake (16 km), Wentworth Prov Park (25 km), Wentworth Ski Resort, S to scenic Hwy 2 west along coastline of Minas Basin21


19.8Crossing Peppard Brook48.5


22.8Exit 10, S to Great Village (3 km), N to Londonderry (7 km), Begin of Toll Road (west bound traffic, car $3.5, truck $2.5 per axle) (Cobequid Pass) 50.3


24.8Crossing the Great Village River (Cobequid Pass) 43.6


29.8Juct of Mines Bass River Rd, East to Londonderry Community and Provincial Park (Cobequid Pass) 120.1


35.8Toll booth for the Highway 104 Cobequid Pass (west bound traffic, car $4, trucks $3 per axle) 1877-727-7104 (Cobequid Pass) 249.3


39.8underpass for Westchester Rd (no access) NE to Rushton Beach (Cobequid Pass) 192


47.8Exit 8 to Wentworth-Collingwood Rd, east of here is start of toll section of Hwy 104 (Cobequid Pass) 131.1


57.8Exit 7 Hwy 4 E to Wentworth Center (23 km), and Wentworth PP (25 km)63.7


63.8Transmission Line32.9


65.8Crossing Steepbank Brook6.7


66.8Exit 6 route 321 S and route 301 N to Oxford (2 km), River Phillip, and Heather Beach PP (18 km), and town of Pugwash (25 km)15.8


85.8River Crossing Styles Brook105.8


89.8overpass Fenwick Rd (no access)137.5


94.8overpass Nappan Rd / route 302 (no access)32.6


95.8River Crossing Nappan River18.3


96.7emergency U-turn22.9


96.8overpass MacDonald Rd (no access) (Amherst) 26.5


97.8Exit 4 Hwy #2 (Albion St) S to hospital, Loch Lomond camping, Fenwick PP, community of Springhill (23 km), North to Town of Amherst, all services & accommodation (Amherst) 11.3


100.3Pass Blair Lake to S, access via Exit #4 (Amherst) 10.4


101.8Exit 3 Victoria St (Hwy 6 ), NW to town of Amherst, all services & accommodation (Amherst) 18.9


103.8Underpass Laplanche St (No Access), and railway underpass (Amherst) 5.8


104.3Weigh Scales both sides of highway9.4


104.8Exit 1, SE to Fort Lawrence Historical site & rest stop, NE to Gateway Parklands camping & Riverbend Golf18.3


106.8River Missaguash, NB-NS provincial boundary. Highway changes from #2 (NB) to #104 (NS)7.6


108.8Exit #513 W to community of Aulac & Fort Beausejour, E to Hwy 16 Port Elgin, Cape Tourmentine and PEI (Aulac) 21.3


110.8River Crossing Aulac River4


113.8Access on N side to Coles Island & Tantramar Marshes4.9


114.8River Crossing Tantramar River (Sackville) 3


115.8Exit #506 to Bridge St (route 106), SW to community of Dorchester, NE to camping & Vogue Cinema (Sackville) 7.9


117.8Exit #504 Main St (Hwy 106) S to Sackville & Mount Allison University (1 km), Highway #940 N to Shemogue (33km) (Sackville) 21.3


121.8Exit#500 Junction Walker Rd/Chemin Walker (Sackville) 95.1


128.8EB government weigh scales78.6




132.8Exit #488 Memramcook-Est Rd, N to East Memramcook (Memramcook) 83.5


134.8Exit #488 Port Route Rd (route 933), W to community of Memramcook, E to East Memramcook (Memramcook) 39.6


138.8Exit #482 Renaissance St, S to Memramcook ( 5 km) (Memramcook) 33.8


139.8crossing Memramcook River8.5


This new 3-span concrete beam bridge over the Memaracook River opened Oct 2009, replacing the Memramcook River #5 Bridge (north), built in 1960.
141.8Exit #480 to Old Shediac Rd, South to Memramcook75.9


147.8Exit 474 Junction of Highway #132 W back to Moncton Airport (5 km) Moncton (10 km), E to Scoudouc (9 km) and Shediac (17 km)50


154.8Exit #467/#19a Junction of Highways #15 & #2. West to City of Moncton 1/2 km. E to Shediac, N to Bathurst, Campbellton and Quebec’s Gaspe Region, NE to Province of Prince Edward Island(Dieppe) 53.3


Highway Point & Features

Highway Point & Features
0Exit #467/#19a Junction of Highways #15 & #2. West to City of Moncton 1/2 km. E to Shediac, N to Bathurst, Campbellton and Quebec’s Gaspe Region, NE to Province of Prince Edward Island(Dieppe) 53.3


7Exit 474 Junction of Highway #132 W back to Moncton Airport (5 km) Moncton(10 km), E to Scoudouc (9 km) and Shediac(17 km)50


13Exit #480 to Old Shediac Rd, South to Memramcook75.9


15crossing Memramcook River8.5


This new 3-span concrete beam bridge over the Memaracook River opened Oct 2009, replacing the Memramcook River #5 Bridge (north), built in 1960.
16Exit #482 Renaissance St, S to Memramcook ( 5 km) (Memramcook) 33.8


20Exit #488 Port Route Rd (route 933), W to community of Memramcook, E to East Memramcook (Memramcook) 39.6


22Exit #488 Memramcook-Est Rd< N to East Memramcook (Memramcook) 83.5




26EB government weigh scales78.6


33Exit#500 Junction Walker Rd/Chemin Walker (Sackville) 95.1


37Exit #504 Main St (Hwy 106) S to Sackville & Mount Allison University (1 km), Highway #940 N to Shemogue (33km) (Sackville) 21.3


39Exit #506 to Bridge St (route 106), SW to community of Dorchester, NE to camping & Vogue Cinema (Sackville) 7.9


40River Crossing Tantramar River (Sackville) 3


41Access on N side to Coles Island & Tantramar Marshes4.9


44River Crossing Aulac River4


46Exit #513 W to community of Aulac & Fort Beausejour, E to Hwy 16 Port Elgin, Cape Tourmentine and PEI (Aulac) 21.3


48River Missaguash, NB-NS provincial boundary. Highway changes from #2 (NB) to #104 (NS)7.6


50Exit 1, SE to Fort Lawrence Historical site & rest stop, NE to Gateway Parklands camping & Riverbend Golf18.3


50.5Weigh Scales both sides of highway9.4


51Underpass Laplanche St (No Access), and railway underpass (Amherst) 5.8


53Exit 3 Victoria St (Hwy 6 ), NW to town of Amherst, all services & accommodation (Amherst18.9


54.5Pass Blair Lake to S, access via Exit #4 (Amherst) 10.4


57Exit 4 Hwy #2 (Albion St) S to hospital, Loch Lomond camping, Fenwick PP, community of Springhill (23 km), North to Town of Amherst, all services & accommodation (Amherst) 11.3


58overpass MacDonald Rd (no access) (Amherst) 26.5


58.1emergency U-turn22.9


59River Crossing Nappan River18.3


60overpass Nappan Rd / route 302 (no access)32.6


65overpass Fenwick Rd (no access)137.5


69River Crossing Styles Brook105.8


88Exit 6 route 321 S and route 301 N to Oxford (2 km), River Phillip, and Heather Beach PP (18 km), and town of Pugwash (25 km)15.8


89Crossing Steepbank Brook6.7


91Transmission Line32.9


97Exit 7 Hwy 4 E to Wentworth Center (23 km), and Wentworth PP (25 km)63.7


107Exit 8 to Wentworth-Collingwood Rd, east of here is start of toll section of Hwy 104 (Cobequid Pass) 131.1


115underpass for Westchester Rd (no access) NE to Rushton Beach (Cobequid Pass) 192


119Toll booth for the Highway 104 Cobequid Pass (west bound traffic, car $4, trucks $3 per axle) 1877-727-7104 (Cobequid Pass) 249.3


125Juct of Mines Bass River Rd, East to Londonderry Community and Provincial Park (Cobequid Pass) 120.1


130Crossing the Great Village River (Cobequid Pass) 43.6


132Exit 10, S to Great Village (3 km), N to Londonderry (7 km), Begin of Toll Road (west bound traffic, car $3.5, truck $2.5 per axle) (Cobequid Pass) 50.3


135Crossing Peppard Brook48.5


137Exit 11 to Hwy 4, N to community of Folly Lake (16 km), Wentworth Prov Park (25 km), Wentworth Ski Resort, S to scenic Hwy 2 west along coastline of Minas Basin21


138Crossing Folly River27.1


140Crossing Debert River16.2


141Exit 12 to Masstown Road and Hwy 2, N to Debert (6 km) & Airport, S to Elm River camping and to McElmons Pond PP21.6


146Exit 13 S to McElmons Pond Prov Park19.2


147Crossing Chigancis River (Truro8.8


148underpass Belmont Rd (no access) (Truro) 12.8


151.3underpass Crowes Mills Rd (no access) (Truro) 26.2


154.8Exit 15 to Hwy 102, S to Truro, Halifax, E to New Glasgow (Truro) 34.1


Highway Point & Features