This village of 4,000 residents lies on the Mississippi River, at a waterfall, and was one of the first settlements in the Ottawa Valley. This town was home to several famous people. Robert Tait Mackenzie became internationally acclaimed for his work in rehabilitative medicine during World War I, and eventually joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania, but always returned to Almonte. The Mill of Kintail is named for the McKenzie fort in the Scottish Highlands. Another Almonte native was Dr James Naismith, who created the sport of basketball using peach baskets to keep young boys preoccupied and physically fit.

The community began with several names, including Shepherd’s Falls (named for David Shepherd), Shipman’s Mills (for Daniel Shipman) and Ramsayville after Ramsay Township. These communities were amalgamated in 1856 into Almonte. the town is about 50 km west of Ottawa.

The town is named for Juan Nepomuncene Almonte (1804-1869) the Mexican ambassador to the United States, who opposed their aggressive trading practices, which also hurt Canada.

Town of Almonte

Almonte Attractions

Mill of Kintail Conservation Area

RR1 Concession 8, Almonte, K0A 1A0
7 km north of Almonte (5 km NW on CR29, 2 km W on Clayton Rd, and 1 km N on Concession Rd 8)
613-256-3610 fax: 613-256-5087

Picturesque 1830s stone gristmill converted into a summer home in the 1930s by Robert Tait Mackenzie, a surgeon, physical educator and sculptor. The museum now displays 70 of his works of art as well as early artifacts. Nature trails and picnic facilities are on the grounds. Open mid-May to Thanksgiving: Wednesday through Sunday plus holiday Mondays 10:30 am to 4:30 pm; rest of year: noon to 4 pm. Afternoon tea is served Wednesday and Saturday in July & August. Admission $$

Mississippi Valley Textile Museum

3 Rosamund St
Box 784,  Almonte, ON K0A 1A0
613 256 3754

The textile industry’s contribution to the town is showcased in this museum with displays and audio-visual presentations. Open Victoria Day to Thanksgiving, Tuesday to Sundays plus holiday Mondays,

Fulton’s Maple Sugar Bush

 399 Sugar Bush Rd, Pakenham, ON K0A 2X0
20 km on Country Road 29 to Pakenham

This 400 acres maple sugar camp offers tours and maple sugaring demonstrations March through April, and September through October, whenever the sap is running.

Almonte, Ontario Area Map