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SK Highway Itinerary: Regina to Brandon, MB via #1

What to See & Do between Regina and Brandon?

This area east of Regina is Saskatchewan’s breadbasket. This area is flat, with wide open skies, and filled with highly productive fields.

Saskatchewan Itinerary - Regina - Brandon MB

Here is the itinerary for the 363 km along Highway #1 between Regina, Saskatchewan and Brandon, Manitoba

Regina Area

Wascana Lake Boat Docks & RampRegina is the ultimate prairie town, starting out as a First Nations settlement, who left piles of buffalo bones there from their hunts. The railroad built a station to stop for water from Pile of Bones Creek. As the town grew, water was piped in 52 km from Buffalo Pound Lake. Wasana Creek has since been dammed in the 1880s to create a recreational oasis near the city’s downtown and home to several museums as well as the province’s Legislature.

The lake now separates the Trans-Canada from the city’s downtown. The city now has some of the most unique and dramatic office architecture in the West. Regina is home to Canada’s first elected socialist government, and invented government car insurance and government-run health care as a result of the drive of native son Tommy Douglas.

Regina- Saskatewan Legislature with flowers - sliver (Spectrum Multimedia)
Regina- Saskatewan Legislature with flowers - sliver (Spectrum Multimedia)

Eastern Saskatchewan Prairie

Saskatchewan is best known for its many Grain ElevatorsIt has taken the 10,000 years since the last ice age for repeated generations of grasses to deposits layers of organic matter and nitrogen to provide a foundation for the area’s agriculture. Some estimate that after a century of farming, half of the topsoils have been lost to wind and water erosion.

On the flat prairie, farms are surrounded by trees planted as wind breaks from the winter winds, and to provide shade in summer heat. Some estimate over 400 million trees and bushes were planted from the Indian Head Nursery since 1902. The sheltered valley of the Qu’Apelle River was a popular spot for the First Nations to harvest the indigenous Saskatoon berries.

Saskatchewan-TCH eastbound, near Grenfelll-sliver
Saskatchewan-TCH eastbound, near Grenfelll-sliver

South of Whitewood is Moose Mountain Provincial Park. This forested oasis in the prairie has many small lakes and offers lots of recreation to area residents. Moosomin, 47 kilometres further east on the highway, is named for the mooseberry (a tall cranberry bush).

Sign at the Saskatchewan-Manitoba BorderFrom this point, the highway begins a gentle drop of almost 500 feet toward Virden, Manitoba. This marks the western boundary of ancient Lake Souris. At the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border, travelers will notice white hilltops to the north of the Trans-Canada, resulting from erosion caused by excessive cultivation.

The stretch between Virden and Oak Lake has fertile sandy lake bottom farmlands. At Alexander, you can head south to Souris (about 24 km) to Canada’s longest swing bridge, that stretches 178 metres across the Souris River. A nearby agate pit extracts Souris agate, petrified wood, jasper and epidote.

MB - Portage la Prairie - Assiniboine River Diversion Canal-sliver
MB - Portage la Prairie - Assiniboine River Diversion Canal-sliver

Highway Elevation Chart

Elevation Chart - Regina to Brandon MB
Elevation Chart - Regina to Brandon MB

History of Trans-Canada Highway from Regina, Saskatchewan and Brandon, Manitoba

Regina to Brandon, Manitoba

Search Listings along this Itinerary

Visit Regina, SK


Visit Winnipeg, Manitoba


Itinerary Map

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Itinerary Details


Highway Point & Features
-3Junction Hwy 10 S, 18th St N, access to Highland Ave service roads to N & S, Brandon, Boissevain (Brandon402.9

Brandon Regional Health Centre, 6.6 km SE of highway, via Victoria Ave.

Brandon Airport, 2 km NE of highway.

Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum (National Historic Site), at Brandon Airport, 2 km NE of highway.

Meadowlark Campground, to NE of intersection.

Super 8 Motel, Brandon, to E of intersection.

Lakeview Inn & Suites, 1 km S of highway.

North Hill Inn, about 2 km SE of highway, via Braecrest Dr.

Redwood Inn, 3.5 km S of highway.

Rodeway Inn Motel. 3.5 km S of highway.

Trails West Motor Inn, 3.5 km S of highway.

Daly House Museum 4.1 km S of highway.

Casa Maley Bed and Breakfast, 5 km Se of highway, via Victoria Ave.

Keystone Centre sportsplex, 6 km S of highway.

Corral Centre, major shopping centre 7 km S of highway.

0Bloomsberry Rd (Brandon406.6
1St George’s Rd (N) (Brandon) 409.7
3Highway #270, north to Rivers (Brandon) 402
5School Hill Rd crossing (Brandon) 411.2
7Hwy 459, exit to Grand Valley PP (2 km E) (Brandon) 385.3
Curan Park campground, 8.6 km E of highway…
8Access to Service Roads (Brandon) 394.7
9Pioneer Rd crossing (Brandon) 396.8
11Junction Hwy 1A, to downtown City of Brandon (Brandon413.9
Kemnay, about 1 km E of highway, no services.

downtown Brandon, 15 km E of highway, all services.

Victoria Inn Brandon, 11 k E of highway, on western edge of Brandon.

18.8Small Rest Stop on South side of highway, no services522.7
20Access to Hwy 250, S to Souris (24 km), access to the Souris Swinging Bridge442
23Hwy 250, N to Rivers, S to town of Alexander, all services (Alexander) 427

Town of Alexander, to SE of highway.

Town of Rivers, 27 km to NE, all services.

Rivers Provincial Park, camping and watersports, 28 km to NE of highway.

36Highway 21, east access to town of Griswold (Griswold) 434

Village of Griswold, 0.8 km S of highway.

38road crossing, west access to town of Griswold (S), access to Sioux Valley Dakota Nation (N, 4 km) (Griswold) 431.9

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, 5 km NW of highway.

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council.

Village of Griswold, 0.8 km E of highway.

48Tower Rd (S), Harrison Bridge Rd (N) intersection (Oak Lake) 430.1
55Hwy 254 Junction, S to Oak Lake, camping. N is Bison Trail Rd.428.5

Four Seasons Island Resort, campground about 6 km S of highway..

D & G Campground on S side of highway, about 3.3 km W of intersection..

55Highway 254 junction N, west access to Oak Lake (S, 1 km) (Oak Lake) 430.7

Town of Oak Lake just to S of highway, with highway bending around it…

Oak Lake & District Museum Incorporated, just S of highway.

Oak Lake Golf Course (9 holes).

71Provincial Road 247, continues as Provincial Rd 257 (W) to Kola (Virden) 438.9

Virden Wellview Golf Course, 5 km W of highway…

Virden’s Lion’s Campground, 1.8 km W of highway 204-748-2660 or 204-748-6393

74King St (S) (Virden) 440.1

Virden Pioneer Home Museum, on 9th Ave..

75Thomas Dr S, town of Virden (Virden) 439.8

town of Virden, pop 3000, to SW of highway. All services..

77Provincial Rd 259 E, Hwy 83 S (Virden) 448.4
village of Scarth, 15 km S of highway..

Oak Lake Indian Reserve, part of Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation..

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council..

83Junction of Highway #83, north to Miniota, 27 km456.6

Miniota, part of Miniota Regional Municipality, 27 km N of highway..

Birdtail Sioux Indian Reerve, 50 km N of highway..

100Road crossing , W to town of Elkhorn (Elkhorn) 495.9
Elkhorn Motor Hotel, with restaurant,0.9 km W of highway..

Town of Elkhorn, pop 470, 1 km to S of highway..

101Willen Rd (Hwy 256) to town of Elkhorn to S (Elkhorn) 495.6

Town of Elkhorn, pop 470, 1 km to S of highway..

Manitoba Antique Automobile Museum, in Elkhorn..

112Rest area on S side of Hwy513.9
Rest area beside Welcome to Manitoba sign, washrooms..
113Junction hwy #542, S to Kola, Hwy #41, N to Manson, services516.3
village of Kirkella, 1.7 km SE of highway,..
118Manitoba-Saskatchewan Border, Saskatchewan Information Center, north side of highway530

Tourism Saskatchewan Visitor Reception Centre, open mid May to mid September…

Manitoba Tourism.

123road crossing (town of Fleming east access, south of Hwy) (Fleming) 546.2
124Highway 600 (town of Fleming west access, south of Hwy) (Fleming) 547.7
Fleming, Pop 75, to S of highway.

Village of Maryfield, pop 350, 28 km S of highway, all services.

Welwyn, 28 km N of highway.

Welwyn Centennial Regional Park, camping, water sports. 28 km N of highway…

136East Access to Moosomin (S) (Moosomin) 570.3
137Junction Hwy 8, S to Fairlight (31 km) (Moosomin) 570.9
137Main St Intersection, Hwy 709 S (Moosomin571.2
138Hwy 8 (N), Cook Rd (S) west access to town of Moosomin (Moosomin) 575.5

Town of Moosomin, pop 2500, just south of the highway.

Rocanville, pop, 900, 26 km to N, all services, World’s Largest Oilcan.

Moosomin Regional Park, 14 km SW of highway, camping, water sports..

138Hwy 709 (E) (Moosomin) 569.1
163Junction Hwy 601, and 5th Ave Town of Wapalla (Wapalla) 587

Town of Wapella, pop. 400, some services, just S of highway..

164West access to Wapalla (Wapalla) 588

Town of Wapella, pop. 400, some services,just S of highway..

174Junction Hwy 637 N593.1
185Hwy 9 Junction, town of Whitewood, all services. S to Moose Mountain Provincial Park (58 km) (Whitewood595.6

Moose Mountain Provincial Park , 58 km S of highway..

Whitewood Inn..

187West access to town of Whitewood (Whitewood601.4
Quest Motel..

town of Whitewood, just S of highway,..

196Junction Hwy 201 N, access to campground (1 km S)622.1
207Junction 605 N, town of Broadview (Broadview601.1
Camping-Celebration Park 696-2533..
209Junction Hwy 605, Town of Broadview (S) and S to Kipling (36 km) (Broadview) 594.1

Town of Broadview, just S of highway, all services..

Town of Kipling, pop. 1100, home of house traded for a paperclip over the internet…

235Hwy 616 N, west access to town of Grenfell (N) (Grenfell594.4
238Hwy 47 junction, town of Grenfell (N), and Crooked Lake PP (49 km) (Grenfell) 604.1

Crooked Lake Provincial Park, 23 km N of highway..

Town of Grenfell..

Grenfell “Adare” Museum..

242Junction Hwy 47, N to Melville (64 km)609.3

City of Melville, pop 4600, 64 km N of highway, all services..

255Hwy 617 N to Lemburg (40 km)607.5
258Hwy 617 S (Wolseley) 598.3
260town of Wolseley, all services (Wolseley) 595.3
273Junction 606, town of Sintaluta (N) (Sintaluta) 605.3

Monmatre, pop. 500, 45 km S of highway, all services..

Abernethy, pop 200, N of highway, no services..

Sintaluta, just N of highway, no services…

Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site..

289Junction 619 S to Assiniboine Indian Reserve 76, N to Indian Head Experimental Farm (Indian Head, Saskatchewan584.9

KOA Campground, just N of highway..

Indian Head Experimental Farm..

291Junction Hwy 619 N and 56N to town of Indian Head and Fort Qu’Appelle (40 km) (Indian Head) 587.3

Katepwa Point Provincial Park, camping, watersports..

Town of Indian Head, just N of highway, with large Indian Head statue…

304Junction Hwy 35, N to town of Qu’Appelle (30km) (Qu-Appelle) 653.8
318Road crossing, town to Liberty to N, accommodation (Regina) 696.2
Liberty Motor Hotel, (306) 847 2122..
325Junction Hwy 621 S692.8
332WB access to Hwy 46 N to town of Balgonie (1km), and Hwy 364 S to Edenwold (18 km) (Balgonie) 668.4
Town of Balgonie, pop. 1,300, just N of highway. Gas station & Subway restaurant…
332EB access to Hwy 10 NE to Fort Qu’Appelle669.6

Fort Qu’Appelle, 36 km, all services..

Echo Valley Provincial Park, camping, water sports, mini-golf, cycling…

336EB access to Hwy 46 N to town of Balgonie (1km), and Hwy 364 S to Edenwold (18 km)634.3
341EB Exit to residential area (White City) 609.9

Access to Aspen Links Golf & Country Club, south of highway..

341Exit to Hwy 48 S, to Vibank, Kipling, access to Comfort Plus Campground 1km to E, and Dyer Straits Campground to N620.3
Comfort Plus Campground, on N side of highway..

Comfort Plus Campground, on S side of highway 1 km to E..

342Emerald Park Rd (White City) 609
Town of White City, all services..
343Great Plain Industrial Rd (White City) 608.7
348Road crossing, campground to S (Regina588.9
Buffalo Lookout Camping, to S of highway. (306) 525-1448..
350Access to N Service Rd (WB only) (Regina) 586.1
351Tower Rd Intersection (Regina) 583.1
Sports park with 12 baseball diamonds..

Kings Acres Campground, 0.8 km to S of highway..

Gorr and Latham Skating arenas N of highway…

CKCK TV station (CTV affiliate) to N of highway..

CBC Television tower, about 4 km to N..

351Railway underpass (Regina) 584
352Access to Eastgate Dr (WB only) (Regina) 579.4
353Prince of Wales Intersection, access to shopping (Regina) 577

Holiday Inn Express and Suites Regina, to NW of intersection..

Days Inn, to NE of intersection..

Regina Husky Travel Centre (Truck Stop) to N of intersection..

354Fleet St (N) University Park Dr (S) Intersection, north to services along Service Rd, S to shopping mall (Regina) 576.7
354Colemand St N, access to Quance St (S) (Regina) 575.5

Kings Acres Campground

Wild Slides, waterslide park 306-789-6200..

Regina Super 8 Motel, NW of intersection..

Comfort Inn by Journey’s End, to NE of intersection..

Country Inn & Suites, to NE of intersection..

several Big Box stores on south side of highway…

Petro-Canada station to S of highway..

354.8Glencairn Rd (N) Trusdale Dr (S) Intersection (Regina) 577.3
Victoria East Shopping Centre to South of highway,..
355.4Victoria Ave E & W to downtown, all services, E to shopping & services & Trans-Canada Highway (Regina577.3

access to downtown Regina..

Regina General Hospital, via St Johns Street, 3 km W of highway..

Howard Johnson, just NW of intersection..

Sandman Hotels Suites & Spa Regina, just NE of intersection..

Sunrise Motel, to NW of intersection..

Highway 11 NW to Regina Beach, and to Saskatoon, about 260 km..

356Tyvan Ave interchange and overpass (Regina) 578.5
357Interchange with Arcola Ave E, continuing S to Hwy 33 (Regina) 574.5
various gas stations: Esso & Turbo 0.7 km to S, Esso & Shell 0.7 km to N..

various gas stations: Esso & Turbo 0.7 km to S, Esso & Shell 0.7 km to N..

358Cross Wascana Creek, Wascana Lake to N (Regina) 569.1
358WB Exit to Assiniboine Ave (Regina) 576.1
360Wascana Pkwy intersection & overpass (Regina) 575.8

University of Regina, to N of highway..

Regina General Hospital, via 14th Avenue. 5.5 km N of highway..

Conexus Arts Centre, 2.5 km N of highway..

Wascana Lake & Wascana Centre, 3 km N of highway..

Saskatchewan Science Centre,north side of Wascana Lake, 4 km NE of highway…

Kramer IMAX, part of Saskatchewan Science Centre, north side of Wascana Lake, 4 km NE of highway…

363Hwy 6 cloverleaf interchange, N to Albert St, all services, continuing into downtown, S to Rowatt, Weyburn and Estevan (Regina574.2

access to downtown Regina..

Access to Weyburn, 115 km to the S..

service stations to N of highway: Shell, 7-Eleven, Co-op, Esso

Southland Mall, 1 km S of highway, shops & food court…

9 screen movie multiplex in Southland Mall.

Holiday Inn Express – Regina South, 1.6 km N of highway.

Travelodge Regina, 1.6 km N of highway.

West Harvest Inn, 3 km N of highway.

Saskatchewan Legislature Building, about 4.7 km N of highway.

Taylor Field, home of Saskatchewan Roughriders, via Dewdney Ave, 6.6 km N of highway.

Downtown Regina hotels, over 15 listed..

Plains Hotel, 5.6 km N of highway..

Turgeon International Hostel, downtown, 5 km N of highway..

Royal Saskatchewan Museum, 4.5 km N of highway..

Highway Point & Features


Highway Point & Features
0Hwy 6 cloverleaf interchange, N to Albert St, all services, continuing into downtown, S to Rowatt, Weyburn and Estevan (Regina574.2

access to downtown Regina..

Access to Weyburn, 115 km to the S..

service stations to N of highway: Shell, 7-Eleven, Co-op, Esso..

Southland Mall, 1 km S of highway, shops & food court…

9 screen movie multiplex in Southland Mall..

Holiday Inn Express – Regina South, 1.6 km N of highway..

Travelodge Regina, 1.6 km N of highway..

West Harvest Inn, 3 km N of highway..

Saskatchewan Legislature Building, about 4.7 km N of highway..

Taylor Field, home of Saskatchewan Roughriders, via Dewdney Ave, 6.6 km N of highway..

Downtown Regina hotels, over 15 listed..

Plains Hotel, 5.6 km N of highway..

Turgeon International Hostel, downtown, 5 km N of highway..

Royal Saskatchewan Museum, 4.5 km N of highway..

3Wascana Pkwy intersection & overpass (Regina) 575.8

University of Regina, to N of highway..

Regina General Hospital, via 14th Avenue. 5.5 km N of highway..

Conexus Arts Centre, 2.5 km N of highway..

Wascana Lake & Wascana Centre, 3 km N of highway..

Saskatchewan Science Centre,north side of Wascana Lake, 4 km NE of highway…

Kramer IMAX, part of Saskatchewan Science Centre, north side of Wascana Lake, 4 km NE of highway…

5Cross Wascana Creek, Wascana Lake to N (Regina) 569.1
5WB Exit to Assiniboine Ave (Regina) 576.1
6Interchange with Arcola Ave E, continuing S to Hwy 33 (Regina) 574.5
various gas stations: Esso & Turbo 0.7 km to S, Esso & Shell 0.7 km to N..

various gas stations: Esso & Turbo 0.7 km to S, Esso & Shell 0.7 km to N..

7Tyvan Ave interchange and overpass (Regina) 578.5
7.6Victoria Ave E & W to downtown, all services, E to shopping & services & TransCanada Highway (Regina) 577.3

access to downtown Regina

Regina General Hospital, via St Johns Street, 3 km W of highway.

Howard Johnson, just NW of intersection.

Sandman Hotels Suites & Spa Regina, just NE of intersection.

Sunrise Motel, to NW of intersection.

Highway 11 NW to Regina Beach, and to Saskatoon, about 260 km.

8.2Glencairn Rd (N) Trusdale Dr (S) Intersection (Regina) 577.3
Victoria East Shopping Centre to South of highway,
9Fleet St (N) University Park Dr (S) Intersection, north to services along Service Rd, S to shopping mall (Regina) 576.7
9Colemand St N, access to Quance St (S) (Regina575.5

Kings Acres Campground.

Wild Slides, waterslide park 306-789-6200.

Regina Super 8 Motel, NW of intersection.

Comfort Inn by Journey’s End, to NE of intersection.

Country Inn & Suites, to NE of intersection.

several Big Box stores on south side of highway…

Petro-Canada station to S of highway.

10Prince of Wales Intersection, access to shopping (Regina577

Holiday Inn Express and Suites Regina, to NW of intersection.

Days Inn, to NE of intersection.

Regina Husky Travel Centre (Truck Stop) to N of intersection.

11Access to Eastgate Dr (WB only) (Regina) 579.4
12Tower Rd Intersection (Regina) 583.1
Sports park with 12 baseball diamonds..

Kings Acres Campground, 0.8 km to S of highway..

Gorr and Latham Skating arenas N of highway…

CKCK TV station (CTV affiliate) to N of highway..

CBC Television tower, about 4 km to N..

12Railway underpass (Regina) 584
13Access to N Service Rd (WB only) (Regina) 586.1
15Road crossing, campground to S (Regina) 588.9
Buffalo Lookout Camping, to S of highway. (306) 525-1448..
18Tel: (306) 525-1448602.3
20Great Plain Industrial Rd (White City) 608.7
21Emerald Park Rd (White City) 609
Town of White City, all services.
22EB Exit to residential area (White City) 609.9

Access to Aspen Links Golf & Country Club, south of highway..

22Exit to Hwy 48 S, to Vibank, Kipling, access to Comfort Plus Campground 1km to E, and Dyer Straits Campground to N620.3
Comfort Plus Campground, on N side of highway.

Comfort Plus Campground, on S side of highway 1 km to E.

27EB access to Hwy 46 N to town of Balgonie (1km), and Hwy 364 S to Edenwold (18 km)634.3
31WB access to Hwy 46 N to town of Balgonie (1km), and Hwy 364 S to Edenwold (18 km) (Balgonie) 668.4
Town of Balgonie, pop. 1,300, just N of highway. Gas station & Subway restaurant…
31EB access to Hwy 10 NE to Fort Qu’Appelle669.6

Fort Qu’Appelle, 36 km, all services..

Echo Valley Provincial Park, camping, water sports, mini-golf, cycling…

38Junction Hwy 621 S692.8
45Road crossing, town to Liberty to N, accommodation (Regina) 696.2
Liberty Motor Hotel, (306) 847 2122..
59Junction Hwy 35, N to town of Qu’Appelle (30km) (Qu-Appelle653.8
72Junction Hwy 619 N and 56N to town of Indian Head and Fort Qu’Appelle (40km) (Indian Head) 587.3

Katepwa Point Provincial Park, camping, watersports..

Town of Indian Head, just N of highway, with large Indian Head statue…

74Junction 619 S to Assiniboine Indian Reserve 76, N to Indian Head Experimental Farm (Indian Head584.9

KOA Campground, just N of highway.

Indian Head Experimental Farm.

90Junction 606, town of Sintaluta (N) (Sintaluta) 605.3

Monmatre, pop. 500, 45 km S of highway, all services.

Abernethy, pop 200, N of highway, no services.

Sintaluta, just N of highway, no services.

Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site.

103town of Wolseley, all services (Wolseley) 595.3
105Hwy 617 S (Wolseley) 598.3
108Hwy 617 N to Lemburg (40 km)607.5
121Junction Hwy 47, N to Melville (64 km)609.3

City of Melville, pop 4600, 64 km N of highway, all services..

125Hwy 47 junction, town of Grenfell (N), and Crooked Lake PP (49 km) (Grenfell) 604.1

Crooked Lake Provincial Park, 23 km N of highway.

Town of Grenfell.

Grenfell “Adare” Museum..

128Hwy 616 N, west access to town of Grenfell (N) (Grenfell) 594.4
154Junction Hwy 605, Town of Broadview (S) and S to Kipling (36 km) (Broadview) 594.1

Town of Broadview, just S of highway, all services..

Town of Kipling, pop. 1100, home of house traded for a paperclip over the internet…

156Junction 605 N, town of Broadview (Broadview) 601.1
Camping-Celebration Park 696-2533..
167Junction Hwy 201 N, access to campground (1 km S)622.1
176West access to town of Whitewood (Whitewood) 601.4
Quest Motel..

town of Whitewood, just S of highway,..

178Hwy 9 Junction, town of Whitewood, all services. S to Moose Mountain Provincial Park (58 km) (Whitewood) 595.6

Moose Mountain Provincial Park , 58 km S of highway.

Whitewood Inn..

189Junction Hwy 637 N593.1
199West access to Wapalla (Wapalla) 588

Town of Wapella, pop. 400, some services,just S of highway..

200Junction Hwy 601, and 5th Ave Town of Wapalla (Wapalla) 587

Town of Wapella, pop. 400, some services, just S of highway..

225Hwy 8 (N), Cook Rd (S) west access to town of Moosomin (Moosomin) 575.5

Town of Moosomin, pop 2500, just south of the highway..

Rocanville, pop, 900, 26 km to N, all services, World’s Largest Oilcan..

Moosomin Regional Park, 14 km SW of highway, camping, water sports…

225Hwy 709 (E) (Moosomin) 569.1
226Junction Hwy 8, S to Fairlight (31 km) (Moosomin) 570.9
226Main St Intersection, Hwy 709 S (Moosomin571.2
227East Access to Moosomin (S) (Moosomin) 570.3
239Highway 600 (town of Fleming west access, south of Hwy) (Fleming) 547.7
Fleming, Pop 75, to S of highway..

Village of Maryfield, pop 350, 28 km S of highway, all services..

Welwyn, 28 km N of highway..

Welwyn Centennial Regional Park, camping, water sports. 28 km N of highway…

240road crossing (town of Fleming east access, south of Hwy) (Fleming) 546.2
244.2Small Rest Stop on South side of highway, no services522.7
245Manitoba-Saskatchewan Border, Saskatchewan Information Center, north side of highway530

Tourism Saskatchewan Visitor Reception Centre, open mid May to mid September…

Manitoba Tourism.

250Junction hwy #542, S to Kola, Hwy #41, N to Manson, services516.3
village of Kirkella, 1.7 km SE of highway,..
251Rest area on S side of Hwy513.9
Rest area beside Welcome to Manitoba sign, washrooms.
262Willen Rd (Hwy 256) to town of Elkhorn to S (Elkhorn) 495.6

Town of Elkhorn, pop 470, 1 km to S of highway.

Manitoba Antique Automobile Museum, in Elkhorn..

263Road crossing , W to town of Elkhorn (Elkhorn) 495.9
Elkhorn Motor Hotel, with restaurant,0.9 km W of highway.

Town of Elkhorn, pop 470, 1 km to S of highway.

280Junction of Highway #83, north to Miniota, 27 km456.6

Miniota, part of Miniota Regional Municipality, 27 km N of highway..

Birdtail Sioux Indian Reserve, 50 km N of highway..

286Provincial Rd 259 E, Hwy 83 S (Virden) 448.4
village of Scarth, 15 km S of highway.

Oak Lake Indian Reserve, part of Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation.

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council..

288Thomas Dr S, town of Virden (Virden) 439.8

town of Virden, pop 3000, to SW of highway. All services..

289King St (S) (Virden) 440.1

Virden Pioneer Home Museum, on 9th Ave.

292Provincial Road 247, continues as Provincial Rd 257 (W) to Kola (Virden) 438.9

Virden Wellview Golf Course, 5 km W of highway.

Virden’s Lion’s Campground, 1.8 km W of highway 204-748-2660 or 204-748-6393..

308Hwy 254 Junction, S to Oak Lake, camping. N is Bison Trail Rd.428.5

Four Seasons Island Resort, campground about 6 km S of highway..

D & G Campground on S side of highway, about 3.3 km W of intersection..

308Highway 254 junction N, west access to Oak Lake (S, 1 km) (Oak Lake) 430.7

Town of Oak Lake just to S of highway, with highway bending around it…

Oak Lake & District Museum Incorporated, just S of highway..

Oak Lake Golf Course (9 holes)

315Tower Rd (S), Harrison Bridge Rd (N) intersection (Oak Lake) 430.1
325road crossing, west access to town of Griswold (S), access to Sioux Valley Dakota Nation (N, 4 km) (Griswold) 431.9

Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, 5 km NW of highway.

Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council.

Village of Griswold, 0.8 km E of highway.

327Highway 21, east access to town of Griswold (Griswold) 434

Village of Griswold, 0.8 km S of highway..

340Hwy 250, N to Rivers, S to town of Alexander, all services (Alexander) 427

Town of Alexander, to SE of highway.

Town of Rivers, 27 km to NE, all services.

Rivers Provincial Park, camping and watersports, 28 km to NE of highway..

343Access to Hwy 250, S to Souris (24 km), access to the Souris Swinging Bridge442
352Junction Hwy 1A, to downtown City of Brandon (Brandon) 413.9
Kemnay, about 1 km E of highway, no services..

downtown Brandon, 15 km E of highway, all services…

Victoria Inn Brandon, 11 k E of highway, on western edge of Brandon…

354Pioneer Rd crossing (Brandon) 396.8
355Access to Service Roads (Brandon) 394.7
356Hwy 459, exit to Grand Valley PP (2 km E) (Brandon) 385.3
Curan Park campground, 8.6 km E of highway…
358School Hill Rd crossing (Brandon) 411.2
360Highway #270, north to Rivers (Brandon) 402
362St George’s Rd (N) (Brandon) 409.7
363Bloomsberry Rd (Brandon) 406.6
366Junction Hwy 10 S, 18th St N, access to Highland Ave service roads to N & S, Brandon, Boissevain (Brandon402.9

Brandon Regional Health Centre, 6.6 km SE of highway, via Victoria Ave.

Brandon Airport, 2 km NE of highway.

Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum (National Historic Site), at Brandon Airport, 2 km NE of highway.

Meadowlark Campground, to NE of intersection.

Super 8 Motel, Brandon, to E of intersection..

Lakeview Inn & Suites, 1 km S of highway..

North Hill Inn, about 2 km SE of highway, via Braecrest Dr.

Redwood Inn, 3.5 km S of highway.

Rodeway Inn Motel. 3.5 km S of highway.

Trails West Motor Inn, 3.5 km S of highway.

Daly House Museum 4.1 km S of highway.

Casa Maley Bed and Breakfast, 5 km Se of highway, via Victoria Ave.

Keystone Centre sportsplex, 6 km S of highway..

Corral Centre, major shopping centre 7 km S of highway.

Highway Point & Features