Click on the provinces above, or on any of the points below to see more information about the Trans-Canada Highway.

This page has over ONE THOUSAND data points (with every town, province, itinerary, and history page on our website) and will typically take a minute to load. We’ve TRIED to make this loading processs interesting to watch (ZOOM OUT to see the entire country load!!). All links open up in a new page or tab, CLOSE THE OPEN PAGE to return to ths open map (no reloading needed!)

SPEED TIP: on each province’s pages, the maps load much faster than this page because they have 1/10th the number (on average) of map points to load.

And for really fast reference, we also have a Large scale route map with major cities and towns along the wa=y.

Canada-wide Map of all Site Content

Cities along the Trans-Canada HighwayCity

Town along the Trans-Canada HighwayTown

History of the Trans-Canada HighwayItinerary

Transcanada Highway HistoryHistory

Trans-Canada Highway FerriesFerry

Trans-Canada Highway Tours & DetoursTour