Agriculture in Canada

Canada has grown to be the breadbasket for the world ove the past 150 years. As you drive across Canada you will see a great variety of crops and livestock.  Even in the middle of the Canadian Shield there are surprisingly fertile pockets of great sandy soil for growing!

These links will help your understand more about what you are seeing on your drive across Canada.

Alberta - herd of cows near Jumping Pound Ridge

Alberta – herd of cows near Jumping Pound Ridge

Livestock Animals

Livestock are the domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting, either to provide labor or to produce a range of products for consumption such as meat or other products (wool, eggs, honey, etc)

Crownsest Route - Similkameen Valley Gerry's Fruit Stand

Crownsest Route – Similkameen Valley Gerry’s Fruit Stand

Farming & Agriculture

Agriculture is the practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil and irrigation, for the growing of various crops.